A not-t00-bad, beautiful deep winter hike.

On Saturday 1/8/11, Crisco and I went and “climbed” (read: slogged through deep snow) this mountain-ish thing called Chair Hill. It was our first outdoor adventure of the year. I’d tried to go up the thing a few days earlier, but I didn’t have any water with me and had to turn around partway up (all the water I had in my car was frozen).

It was super cold when we started in the morning; probably around 5 degrees fahrenheit (-15 celsius). I think our round trip time was a couple hours something like that. Not bad for a couple of out-of-shape bums like us. The worst part was when I experienced a case of the good ol’ screaming barfies (when your hands are numb from cold but then the feeling returns, which results in severe pain that makes you want to scream and barf).

My only regret was that we didn’t bring our skis…

The sky when I walked out of my front door. I love living so close to the mountains.

The sky when I walked out of my front door. I love living so close to the mountains.

Christian in front of Chair Hill.

Christian in front of Chair Hill.

Me near the top of a little hill we had to go up and over before getting to Chair Hill.

Me near the top of a little hill we had to go up and over before getting to Chair Hill.

 Christian with the Wallsburg valley (and the road that we drove and parked on) behind him.

Christian with the Wallsburg valley (and the road that we drove and parked on) behind him.

Me sitting in the stone chair on top of Chair Hill (hence the name).

Me sitting in the stone chair on top of Chair Hill (hence the name).

Me on the summit, with Mt. Timpanogos (11,749 feet; 3582 m) in the background.

Me on the summit, with Mt. Timpanogos (11,749 feet; 3582 m) in the background. I climbed it last winter, and have pics of it lower down on the blog here.

Crisco near the top, looking out at the frozen landscape below.

Crisco near the top, looking out at the frozen landscape below.

Me, happy to be outside after doing nothing but blogging for the last couple months.

Me, happy to be outside after doing nothing but blogging for the last couple months.

Beautiful snow crystals!

Beautiful snow crystals!

A sick deer that we nearly stumbled over on the way down.

A sick deer that we nearly stumbled over on the way down.

A couple guys practicing some hockey moves on the frozen lake below Chair Hill.

A couple guys practicing some hockey moves on the frozen lake below Chair Hill.


As we were getting our gear ready at the car, Crisco mentioned that the girls in the truck next to us were checking me out. I laughed and didn't bother looking, but when we got back, this love note was on my car. (I've blurred the name and number.) And no, I did not call her.