My brother, Trevor, was going to be in town for a few days and wanted to do an epic hike. I suggested Kings Peak, the tallest mountain in Utah at 13,528 feet. It’s normally done as part of a three day backpacking trip, but I try to avoid camping as much as possible. So it was decided that we’d do the mountain in a day. It’s something like 29 miles round trip with over 5,000 vertical feet of elevation gain, but we climbed Dome Peak (13,103′) too, so the actual mileage (both horizontal and vertical) was even greater. It was great, and it took us I think 14 hours round trip (though I don’t remember exactly). Overall, it was fun to hike a big mountain with big mileage with Trevor. And the fact that it’s the tallest in the state was pretty sweet, too.

Mmmm... calories, carbs, and electrolytes.

Mmmm… calories, carbs, and electrolytes. My standard fare for a big day in the mountains.

Me at the top of Dome Peak with Fortress and Cliff Peaks (two more thirteeners) in the background.

Me at the top of Dome Peak with Fortress and Cliff Peaks (two more thirteeners) in the background.

Fortress Peak and the head of Henrys Fork Basin.

Fortress Peak and the head of Henrys Fork Basin.

Trevor and neverending rocks. That's the summit of Kings Peak behind him.

Trevor and neverending rocks. That’s the summit of Kings Peak behind him.

On the hike out. Kings Peak is the pointy one left of center and directly above the trail; Dome Peak is left of Kings.

On the hike out. Kings Peak is the pointy one left of center and directly above the trail; Dome Peak is left of Kings.