This was a really big year for me.

I started in late February 2012 and grew it to nearly 100,000 pageviews a month.

I wrote my first Kindle book (it’s about blogging). Then I wrote more about rock climbing, poetry, zombies, Spanish, vegetarian tyrannosaurus rexesblogging (again), Google Chrome, and more. 30 more, to be exact. All told, I wrote and published 38 Kindle books this year.

I sold my blog Amazopia.

I relaunched Infographic Academy.

I created and launched 365 Blog Post Ideas.

I started the Digital Publishing Podcast.

I redesigned and pumped new life into The Backlight.

I started

I started and aborted several other blogs and projects.

I started The China Narrator.

I went on a bunch of outdoor adventures in the Wasatch and elsewhere in Utah. I went to Seattle.

I bought an iPhone.

I sold most of my stuff and moved to Mexico. I lived in Mexico City for two months, San Miguel de Allende for one month, and Cancun for one month.

And I did about a brazillion smaller things.

It was a good year, and 2013 is going to be even better. It will see me going through the rest of the countries in Central America. I will write and publish one ebook a month. I’m going to create and launch a membership site (this will actually be the main focus and goal this year). And I’ll continue to work on my Spanish and keep building up the audience and content on each of my other projects. Time to get back to work.