A couple years ago Crisco, Matt, and I put up some new crack climbs in Price Caynon.

I don’t remember a ton about these climbs. I have all the beta written down somewhere and can look up more details if anyone wants them. I just remember that 1) it was the 4th of July, 2009, 2) it was super hot outside, and 3) the climbs were surprisingly fun, though they were all only 25-30 feet long.

Also, I put in a couple massive, bomber 1/2″ by 6″ bolts with rings at the top of each route. I led all the routes and drilled all the holes.

[Click any photo for a larger version]

Price Canyon from the crag.

Price Canyon from the crag.

The first crack we climbed.

The first crack we climbed.

Me on the first crack. It was 5.8+, I think.

Me on the first crack. It was 5.8+, I think.

Me heading up the second crack. The corner/chimney thing to the right is the third route.

Me heading up the second crack with Matt belaying. The corner/chimney thing to the right is the third route. Both routes share the same anchors.

Crisco on the second route.

Crisco on the second route. I think it was 5.7ish.

Me going up the fourth route, the nice corner. It was 5.9ish.

Me going up the fourth route, the nice corner. It was 5.9ish.

Walking back to the car.

Walking back to the car.

We left after the 4 routes because I think Matt had to get back for a 4th of July barbecue or something… We all had plans to go back and do more routes but never did. There’s tons of potential in the canyon.


From the huge, white wind turbines at the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon, drive southeast on Highway 6 for a little over 48 miles. You’ll see a bridge crossing on the (left) north side of the road. Park in front of the bridge, cross the bridge, and follow the tracks left (northwest) for a couple minutes. Head up the slope to the obvious short cliff band.

Here’s a beta map:

Price Canyon rock climbing

Before this trad climbing trip, Christian and I played around on a pretty cool, pocketed (but sandy) boulder near the mouth of the small canyon near where you cross onto the train tracks. I went back later and played around on the boulder some more with a crash pad but don’t remember details about either time.

New route potential

There’s tons of it. There are more lines to do on the cliff band we climbed on. There are cliff bands above the one we climbed on. There are cliff bands continuing to the northwest and southeast from where we climbed. The cliffs across the small canyon (to the southeast) of where we climbed looked like they’d have good, longer lines.

This is a pretty casual little area with an easy approach and short routes. It would be great if future first ascentionists also put in anchors. We put in big 6″ x 1/2″ Rawl bolts and ring anchors at the tops of the routes.